Monday, September 30, 2019

Succubus Dreams CHAPTER 19

Finding them wasn't so easy. No one was at my apartment, and Vincent didn't answer his phone. I drove down to the Cellar, hoping maybe they'd all decided to start drinking mid-day. Nope. The pub was barren, with only a couple bored patrons sitting at the bar. Frustrated, I called Hugh, deciding it was time to get help from my own resources. â€Å"Is Jerome back yet?† â€Å"No,† the imp said. â€Å"Do you need him?† â€Å"Kind of.† â€Å"Kind of?† â€Å"It's a long story.† â€Å"I'm in the city for a meeting. You want to have lunch and explain? I'm practically down the street from your place. I'll meet you there, and we'll go eat.† It was the first time I'd talked to Hugh since the blowup at Peter's over Seth and me. I was still reeling from all that, but I did kind of want to get feedback from another immortal source. Besides, I was rapidly running out of options. It only took ten minutes for him to show up, but it felt like an hour. â€Å"Holy shit,† said Hugh, spotting the Christmas trees when he walked in. â€Å"Your apartment's a national park.† â€Å"Be quiet.† â€Å"I'm serious. You need a ranger working in here.† â€Å"Come on. Let's go.† We walked to a deli down the street. Once we were seated with our food, I began explaining to him why I needed Jerome. By the time I finished the Nyx story, Hugh's mirth had faded. â€Å"Fuck,† he said, biting into an enormous Reuben. â€Å"That might be worth bugging Jerome after all.† â€Å"Where is he?† I asked. â€Å"Another training?† Hugh shrugged. â€Å"Not entirely sure. He was vague about it. Grace and Hiroko insinuated he's having ‘a personality conflict' with another demon and went to settle it.† â€Å"Oh, God,† I said. â€Å"Not a duel?† â€Å"I don't know. I hope not. Those crazy bitches seemed pretty smug, so they're probably hoping for some opportunity to pull a power play out of all this. You know how they are. Still†¦you could probably go to them for help with all this.† I could†¦but if Jerome had something weird going on, I didn't want to get enmeshed with his lieutenants and possibly be used in some way. The two demonesses worked for him but would seize any chance for promotion, and when political tremors shook our world, everyone was quick to exploit everyone else. â€Å"I'll hold out for the angels,† I said. â€Å"As long as I can space out my energy fixes, there shouldn't be a problem. If I can't find Carter and friends in another day or so, I'll think about talking to Grace and Hiroko.† â€Å"I can get a hold of him if you really need it,† said Hugh. I smiled at the uneasy tone in his voice. â€Å"Yeah, but your instructions were to avoid bothering him at all costs, right?† The imp nodded. â€Å"It's okay. I'll wait on the angels. If I have to go to Grace and Hiroko, they can be the ones to decide if it's worth interrupting Jerome for. I mean, the evidence is pretty solid†¦but, well, if we're wrong, and it turns out to be nothing†¦ Jerome's going to be pissed that I bothered him based on the word of two humans.† â€Å"Pissed at all of us.† â€Å"Yeah.† I idly picked holes in my sandwich with the toothpick that held it together. â€Å"Are you scared?† asked Hugh. â€Å"Of Nyx?† â€Å"Yeah. I am. I don't like the idea of anything invading my sleep. Certainly not something that powerful. That guy I mentioned – Dante – is going to try to make me a charm or something to ward her away.† Hugh snorted. â€Å"No human can make a charm like that.† â€Å"He's a magician. He said he could.† â€Å"Sweetie. Nyx is a fucking deity – no, more than that. An uber-deity. A force of the universe that was instrumental in creation. She's been weakened over time, yeah, but some strung-out, psychic sham can't make a charm powerful enough to scare her off. There are probably only a handful of humans in the world who could, and to get that kind of power†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Hugh shook his head. â€Å"I don't know. Based on what you've told me, I'm just not seeing it.† I'd had my own doubts about Dante, but I'd thus far managed to push them aside and keep hoping for the best. Hearing Hugh, I felt all of my misgivings return. â€Å"Fuck,† I said. Silence fell as we munched on our sandwiches a bit. Rain fell outside, and hungry customers ducked in to avoid it. Hugh watched a cute brunette order at the counter, then he turned his attention back to me. â€Å"Any idea when Niphon's leaving?† I frowned. â€Å"Whenever Tawny gets a victim.† Now Hugh frowned. â€Å"But she did, didn't she?† â€Å"Did she?† â€Å"I don't know. That's what Simon said. Or at least, he thought she did. He said she was up there dancing with a glow a couple nights ago. Made up for the shitty job she was doing.† A couple nights ago†¦ â€Å"No†¦that's impossible. I saw her right around then, and she still hadn't taken anybody. She was so low, I had to kiss her again. He's wrong.† â€Å"Maybe she got a glow from the kiss.† Hugh sounded kind of hopeful. â€Å"You use a lot of tongue?† â€Å"It wasn't that big of a kiss. No glow. Just enough to get by.† â€Å"Huh.† He swirled the ice around in his Diet Coke. â€Å"I guess Simon was wrong. Figured he'd be good at spotting that stuff.† I would have thought so too. â€Å"Hugh†¦this is going to sound weird, but I think Tawny may be faking how inept she is.† He looked rightfully startled. â€Å"Why the fuck would she do that?† â€Å"I don't know. I think it's to help Niphon. But none of this makes sense. This is the second time I've heard of her possibly getting a fix, but then I've seen her shortly thereafter, and she was way too low to have burned through so much so quickly.† â€Å"Maybe she's got your problem.† â€Å"I have a lot of problems.† â€Å"Your Nyx problem. Maybe Tawny's losing her energy too.† Whoa. Interesting idea. And why not? If Nyx was preying on one succubus, why not two? And it would explain how Tawny was losing energy so quickly. Except†¦ â€Å"If Nyx is taking her energy, that means she's actually getting it to begin with. But Tawny keeps telling me she isn't having sex.† â€Å"Huh. A servant of Hell lying. Go figure.† â€Å"Yeah, but why? Niphon's risking getting both of them in a shitload of trouble if Jerome or anyone else finds out. He's gambling a lot just to stick around and annoy me. And if Hell thinks Tawny isn't doing her job, they'll recall her.† Hugh gave me a funny look. â€Å"What?† I asked. â€Å"What's that for?† â€Å"You didn't read the book, did you?† â€Å"What book?† â€Å"The succubus manual.† â€Å"You know I didn't.† â€Å"And I even got you the abridged one,† he said, sounding wounded. â€Å"Hugh,† I growled. â€Å"What's your point?† â€Å"The point is that as her mentor, you're accountable for her actions. If she can't bag a victim, you're the one they'll call in.† â€Å"What? That's ridiculous.† â€Å"Those are the rules now.† â€Å"So, what, I get slapped on the wrist for her screwing up?† â€Å"Slap on the wrist? For being a succubus who can't teach another one to have sex? It's so ludicrous, it's probably never happened before. I don't know what they'd do. Censure you at the very least. Transfer you to work under a senior succubus.† â€Å"I am a senior succubus.† He shrugged. â€Å"But if she's lying†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Then prove it.† I rubbed my eyes. â€Å"This is utterly insane. Why does Niphon hate me so much? He already bought my soul, for God's sake. What more is there?† I expected some smartass remark. Instead, I received silence. I looked at Hugh. â€Å"What? What is it now?† He pointedly glanced away. â€Å"Hugh!† â€Å"I don't know, Georgina.† Hugh rarely called me by my first name. I was usually honey or sweetie. â€Å"Sometimes we make deals, and they seem airtight, but something goes wrong.† â€Å"What do you mean?† â€Å"I worked with another imp when I lived in Dallas. Raquel. She brokered this one deal with a guy who was pissed off when his wife left him because he found out he was sterile. Couldn't have kids.† Hugh helpfully illustrated the meaning by pointing down toward his lower torso. â€Å"I know what sterile means, Mr. Wizard. Get on with it.† â€Å"So, he sold his soul under the conditions that his ex-wife couldn't have kids either. He was bitter and into the poetic justice thing, apparently. Wanted to punish her with what she'd punished him over. So, he gave up his soul, and our side gave her some kind of inflammation thing that totally destroyed her fallopian tubes and scarred up her uterus. I don't know. Girl stuff.† I had to hold back an eye roll. Hugh might feign ignorance about ‘girl stuff,' but he'd found time in his years of corruption to go to medical school. He knew more about this than I did. â€Å"Harsh,† I said. â€Å"But fitting from the guy's point of view, I guess.† â€Å"Yeah. Should have been a done deal, but something went wrong. Or, well, right. Her ovaries still worked – she was making eggs, even if she couldn't carry a baby. She and her new husband found a surrogate mother. The wife donated eggs, they mixed up a Petri dish cocktail, and the surrogate carried the baby. Bam!† â€Å"The wife had a child after all,† I mused. â€Å"Wow. Hell gets defeated by science. All those philosophers from the Enlightenment were right.† Hugh scoffed at my joke. â€Å"It was stupid. Someone – by which I mean, Raquel – should have thought of that when they picked the infection as a way to make that lady infertile. Raquel fucked up. The guy was able to take his case back to Hell and won his soul back for breach of contract.† â€Å"Oh, wow,† I said. â€Å"I bet that went over well. What's Raquel doing nowadays?† He grimaced. â€Å"I think we're all happier not knowing.† I agreed. â€Å"But what's this have to do with me? That's kind of a rare case.† â€Å"Eh, it happens more than you'd think. Most of the time, the seller doesn't even notice something got messed up. But if the imp or someone else in authority catches it, I've seen them move Heaven and Earth – no pun intended – to fix it.† â€Å"So, you're implying that Niphon's here, finagling all this stuff with Tawny, because he did something wrong in my purchase?† Hugh spread his hands out. â€Å"I don't know. All I know is that when an imp shows up and is going to this much trouble over something, the evidence suggests it's big. Maybe not a situation like Raquel's, maybe not a breach of contract, but something.† â€Å"My contract's long since done,† I murmured. â€Å"Everyone it involved is dead now. If there was a problem, I would have had to bring it up back then.† â€Å"Like I said, I don't know. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions.† â€Å"Could you look? Could you get a hold of the contract?† â€Å"No.† Hugh's answer came almost before I finished speaking. â€Å"Absolutely not.† â€Å"But if there's some wording I didn't know about – â€Å" â€Å"You think I can just go walk into Hell's records and pull a contract I'm not involved with?† he exclaimed. â€Å"Fuck. If I got caught, it'd make what happened to Raquel look like a promotion.† â€Å"But – â€Å" â€Å"No,† he said again, voice like stone. â€Å"No debate. I love you, sweetie. You know I do. You're like my sister, and I'd do almost anything for you, but not this. I'm sorry.† I glared. He glared back. â€Å"Look, you want my advice? Get rid of Niphon. And Tawny, if you can. Expose them if they really are pulling something here, and Jerome will take it from there.† â€Å"Jerome's not even around! Damn it. Why can't you help me with this? You were so quick to help with my love life when you were talking to Seth the other night.† Hugh narrowed his eyes. â€Å"It was probably the best thing I've ever done for you.† â€Å"Are you insane? He's walking around talking about that now – all worried about how he's going to hurt me and make me miserable!† â€Å"Good,† snapped Hugh. â€Å"He should be.† I shoved my trash onto my tray and stood up. â€Å"See you later. Thanks for†¦well, nothing.† Hugh followed me over to the garbage bins. â€Å"You're behaving irrationally. On all of this.† â€Å"I'd never treat you the way you're treating me,† I said, dumping my tray. â€Å"I'm your friend.† â€Å"Friendship has nothing to do with this.† â€Å"It has everything to do with this!† He stacked his tray on the others and looked at his watch. â€Å"Look, I have to go. I'm sorry I can't give you the answers you want. Am I going to see you at Peter's?† Peter, unable to pass up party-giving opportunities, was hosting a Christmas dinner, weird as that seemed. â€Å"No. I'm going to be with Seth. Unless he breaks up with me because of your great advice.† Hugh bit his lip on some remark that probably would have been uncomplimentary. Shaking his head, he turned around and left.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Computer and Internet Effects on Society

In today’s society the world could not function 10 minutes without the technology it has readily available for its inhabitants. The world today is too depended on the convienience that these products of future abilities offer. They make entertainment, work, social networking, education, and communication so much easier. However, there are some significant negative effects like, eye sight problems, social problems, and general laziness issues. The question is, do computers and internet benefit or devastate society.Computers and internet has advanced humanity in various ways. One way includes typing papers. Before computers were invented people had to use typewriters which were much slower and if the writer made a mistake, he or she would have to cover it up with white ink rather than â€Å"backspacing†. Another example of something that computers and the internet have changed, is the way people are entertained. Not only can a person play games on a computer, but they can also watch movies, socialize, find new people, listen to music, and create extremely awing works of art.Also before computers and the internet, the only way of gaining knowledge was literally through others; speeches or reading articles, books, magazines, or any other printed document. Now, computers and the internet makes all of this incredibly convenient. In today’s society people more than likely could not even function without the internet, let alone gain knowledge because more and more kids are reading less and less books due to the internet. In most ways computers are beneficial to society, one major way is through that of the work force.In general, a computer makes typing, which is needed by nearly every profession in one way or another, easier to do. Computers are much faster than old typewriters and obviously faster than hand writing anything. Another reason why they make typing more convenient is the backspace key. Back when it was the typewriter, if a person made a mistake while typing they had to take out the paper and put white ink over the mistake. Or if it was a giant mistake, the writer would then have to take a completely new piece of paper and start anew.Also, instead of looking up how to spell word in the dictionary or knowing how to spell every word in the English language, if the writer were to misspell a word on the computer, it would show an derror on the scree, therefore reducing mistakes as well. In saying this, computers save a vast amount of paper due to not writing directly on the paper itself. Another way computers benefit the work force is through email. These instant messages go from person to person, or from one person to a quantity of people.This, compared to writing out one letter, or even making multiple letters, saves time and is more convenient. Again this method will save paper which in turn helps save the environment. Yet another great example of how computers and internet benefit the work force is through online communication. A specific example of this is video calls. A person who needs to go across the world to present something to a business partner for example, could easily just setup a video call and presen right from his or her own office to another computer somewhere else.This gaain is convenient in saving traveling time and saving money the person would have to spend to travel to wherever was needed. Furthermore, another benefit is a job itself. With today’s technology people have designing careers that need a computer to make, view, or edit photos and movies. They can take a picture with a camera, upload it to a computer, and begin their own form of artwork on the photo. In general there are countless ways that computers effect the work force. Another major benefit computers have to offer is that they improve everyday normal living.One way they do this is by helping people manage their financials. With a computer, a person can open a spreadsheet, create a budget, and manage that budget over time. This could help a person save money in the long run. Also, computers come with on board calculators so there is no need of getting one yourself. Another way computers make everyday life better is that in all appliances, microwaves, ovens, televisions, washer and dryers etc. , and handheld devices, mp3’s, phones, or any other media device, all have what’s called â€Å"embedded systems† which is like a mini on board computer.Without these systems our laundry would take longer to clean, our food would be harder to prepare, and entertainment like movies, shows, or music, might not even exist. Also, people can go onto the internet to research a product before they buy it. This would save time and money because instead of going to the store to ask customer support about a product, a person can look up online what the product has to offer. Order it if they would like, and someone else can deliver it for them. â€Å"Although these tasks can be do ne without a computer, the invention makes doing such tasks much easier. An example of this is something previously mentioned, entertainment. People are able to access millions of websites that offer movies, short videos, games, or music. Because these are so easy to get to people can entertain themselves as much as they would by going out to the movies or going to an arcade. Something else that computers make easy is making cards. There are computer programs that help a person setup any type of card they need, which would save money rather than going out and buying one from a store. Yet another ability computers make easier is communicating with people.People are able to go online and get on video chat and talk to someone across the world with no problem. If a family member is on vacation and would like to talk with you more than over the phone, he or she could just open up a computer and be face to face with whoever they’d like. Also, online gaming provides a vast opportuni ty to talk with people. The chat boxes that these games provide hosts hundreds, or even thousands of people at a time, all able to talk with each other. Along these same lines lies online chat rooms.People can get on one of these websites and talk with people from around the world, this function is sometimes used for online dating as well. If these ways of communication are not available then there are always emails. These are like notes passed to one another but instead of across the room, it’s to wherever the sender would like. â€Å"Communication with others is growing as an application of computers by children, particularly as more homes and schools gain access to the internet. † A fourth way computers and internet impact society is through education.Computers are becoming less and less expensive so schools are able to afford more and more of them. Computers can help kids learn by having software that teaches them the needed information for a class. Also, with the internet, kids have millions of sources to gather for any necessary research papers or projects. There are online textbooks, so if a kid forgets his or her book at school, they can access the exact same information online. Another example is that online games that educate are very helpful to learning children.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Assignment Lab Worksheet Heart Jessica Velez

Heart, Pulmonary and Coronary Circulations Student Name: Jessica Bevel Directions: Go to Real Anatomy and select Cardiovascular. Use the dissection man to f mind the appropriate images to use as references. You can use your mouse to roll over the images and click on the highlighted structures. You can use the Related Images section to find additional images. If you need help navigating Real Anatomy, click on Take a Tour or click the question mark for the Help menu. 1 . Identify the highlighted membrane layer. Pericardium 2.Identify the highlighted membrane layer. Parietal pericardium 3. Identify the highlighted membrane layer. Visceral pericardium 4. Identify the cavity in which the highlighted organ is located. Thoracic cavity 5. Identify the depicted tissue below. Myocardium 6. Identify the layer that is composed of the depicted tissue. Striated cardiac muscle 7. Identify the layer that lines the depicted structure. Undecorated 8. Identify the highlighted chamber. Right Auricle 9. Identify the three vessels that carry blood to the highlighted chamber. Superior even cave, inferior even cave, coronary sinus 0.Identify the highlighted valve. Tricuspids Valve 11. Identify the highlighted chamber. Right Ventricle 12. Identify the highlighted vessel below. Pulmonary trunk 13. Identify the highlighted valve. Pulmonary valve 14. Identify the highlighted organ. Left lung 15. Identify the highlighted vessels. Pulmonary vein 16. Identify the highlighted chamber. Left auricle 17. Identify the highlighted valve. Material valve 18. Identify the highlighted chamber. Left ventricle 19. Identify the highlighted vessel. Aorta 20. Identify the highlighted valve.

Friday, September 27, 2019

What are the different ways in which tariffs are levied in the United Essay

What are the different ways in which tariffs are levied in the United States and what are the various types of nontariff barriers imposed in the United States - Essay Example Protection is achieved by raising the price of imported products so that they cost the same as those produced domestically. The government computes the tariffs in two main ways. The Ad Valorem, which means â€Å"On value,† involves tax that is levied as a fixed percentage of the value of the imported commodity. Currently, the U.S collects 2.5% on imported automobiles. Therefore, if the country imports $100,000 Hyundai automobiles, then the government collects $2,500 in tax (Suranovic 2012).Specific tariffs involve levying a fixed amount of tax on each unit of the imported product sold without regard to the selling price. In some cases, the tariffs imposed may be a combination of the specific and Ad Valorem (Webb 2011). For example, a specific tariff of $0.51% is levied on imported wristwatches in the U.S coupled with a $6.25% ad valorem tariff on the case and the strap. A 5.3% ad valorem tariff is also imposed on the battery (Suranovic 2012). The tariffs levied on imports vary depending on the commodities, for example, goods from a country with the status of â€Å"most-favored† nation may i ncur a different tariff compared to products from other trading partners. Non-tariff barriers include rules and regulations geared to keeping foreign goods out of the domestic market. They include specific limitations on trade, such as quotas. Quota refers to limiting an amount of import, for example, the U.S allows 1 million tons of sugar to be imported and not more than that (Bairstow 2011). The second barrier involves customs and administrative procedures such as antidumping practices and valuation systems. The implementation of standards, that is, packaging, labelling and other standard disparities are other barriers to trade that are incorporated in the U.S (Bairstow 2011). The government’s participation in trade through export subsidies, procurement policies, countervailing duties and domestic assistance programmes

Thursday, September 26, 2019

My Community Needs Assessment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

My Community Needs Assessment - Assignment Example The soils are very fertile with Black Belt and Delta areas being dominant. Mississippi’s terrain is flat with small differences in the state (Mississippi, 2011). There is a bountiful background of cotton farming in Mississippi commencing in early 1800’s. Venture in cotton propelled the economy of Mississippi to one of the affluent states in the union before the civil war and obligated the use of slaves. Mississippi joined confederacy as the second state at the time of civil war. The slaves were set free after the war flopping the cotton industry. Many communal customs that emerged prior to the war were enhanced by the state’s economy and isolation persisted into1950’s (Mississippi, 2011). Mississippi’s population estimate was 2,978,512 with majority being locals. Females occupy half the population and there is a mixture of whites and African Americans at sixty and thirty-seven percent respectively. Latino is less than 3percent. The little Chinese population is mainly in Delta (Mississippi, 2011). Mississippi is the poorest in America (Handley, 2011). The estimate of the Goss state product was about $98billion in 2010 with 45,191 people getting welfare and 277,690 children taking part in free lunch program (Mississippi, 2011). Figures of insolvency children rose from 16.4 to 33.7percent in the past 10 years with present poverty at over 21percent. Unemployment rate is more than 10percent with the inhabitants earning the least income of less than $30,000 annually. Nevertheless, the state has lowest living cost. The population is Christian with Protestants being the majority mainly Baptists and Methodists. The Roman Catholic is predominantly in the south. There are a few Jewish. Additionally, Buddhists and Muslims are present but in excessively small numbers (Mississippi, 2011). Mississippi is among the unhygienic states in America in ten years continuously (Associated press, 2011). Obesity is rampant with African American among the most obese at 42.6

Farid Ud-Din Attar. The Conference of the Birds Essay - 2

Farid Ud-Din Attar. The Conference of the Birds - Essay Example A good illustration of how the context of the story helps to clarify the meaning is shown in the case of when the hoopoe is telling the tale of a poor fisher boy whom King Mas’oud befriends. Later when the king upon casting the boy’s line successfully lands a sizeable catch, he then gives to the boy. The next day the king decides to make the boy a partner to his throne The story is taken from a religious allegory and can be interpreted probability to be a fable regarding God’s grace. However once we put the story into its real context the allegory gains more prominence. The hoopoe had just been asked by a bird why he is spiritually flourishing unlike the other birds that seem to be getting nowhere (Williams 49). The hoopoe explains that this is so because Solomon has glanced at him. The Hoopoe tells the birds that this glance is worth far more than prayer but continues to explain that this does not mean that an individual does not need to pray, but rather one should continue to pray continuously until Solomon glances at him. In this story of the fisher boy, we see that the boy has been unceasingly fishing (in the same spot every day, which represents the spiritual â€Å"fishing† of constant prayer (Williams 51). According to the Hoopoes previous explanation, the king’s visit is the glance of Solomon. This story is mostly demonstrative of individual effort and grace plus the reality that both are indispensable for spiritual advancement (Davis, 8). The point of a tale may at times seem rather elusive at the first reading; therefore, it is advisable to read it again or to refer to some previous text to remind you what the question being answered by the hoopoe is. This case with the stories resembles the story of the king and the fisher boy from which we got our excerpt. Throughout the poem, two themes in particular are intricately interwoven into the very fiber of the poem. These are the need to destroy the Self, and the weight

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

LOG502 MoD 2 Case Assign Distribution Systems Essay

LOG502 MoD 2 Case Assign Distribution Systems - Essay Example Generally, these groups of institutions either industries and businesses sometimes are direct competitors. However, they often operate in corresponding manner. In simple terms, the concentrated clusters comprise more than a single classification of industry (Ashman, 2008). Generally, concentrate clusters management concept tends to improve an organization’s performance by developing relationships between the customer and the supplier. The fundamental aspect of supply chain management concepts tend to utilize the concentrated clusters concept in order to utilize supplier’s clusters advantage because the clusters are generally connected to businesses (Bresnahan, 2004). They are also companied within similar operating industry of specific firms. Additionally, concentrated clusters play a significant role in enhancing management of supply chains by generally allowing the organization to get familiar with its customer’s specific needs (Ashman, 2008). By doing this, concentrated clusters remain an important aspect in improving the company’s performance. In most cases, supply clusters creation in the organization always seeks to combine producer’s activities, organizational suppliers and transporters together. In most cases , the aspect of amalgamation will give the organizational participants an opportunity to effectively coordinate and portray unity when it comes to business ventures in the organization. Alternatively, concentrated clusters enhance the supply management chains by attaining the trust within the industry (Bresnahan, 2004). Generally, concentrated clusters concepts helps improving organizational performances by improving customer satisfaction and through the reduction of overall costs. Alternatively, concentrated clusters concept gives organizations an opportunity to promote mutual commitments atmosphere and business environment interdependence (Bosch, 1997). Concentrated clusters

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Management Information Systems (MIS) Article Critique Research Paper

Management Information Systems (MIS) Article Critique - Research Paper Example Popular internet companies are ready for stock market listing. This has created lot of activity in the stock exchange. There are three main forces which are driving this activity. First the advancement in technology is making it very easy to start online business. Second the investors who are backing this activity are young, who give online companies many options to choose from and the last factor is the involvement of global participants in general and Chinese firms in particular. The combined impact of these three factors is responsible for the phenomenal growth of internet based companies in last two to three years. There are also reliable and sound companies, who are interested in buying these online companies or their products. For some experts this trend in the market is dangerous as many companies are getting more value than normal. Investors are investing in untested products and impact of regulatory policy by China is overlooked. If Chinese government starts to put restricti on on internet companies then market could go down but like all bubbles it is time for investors to make money. The article is very well written and the writer is able to present facts and figures along with tables to present the main theme that internet based companies are booming very fast.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Management, leadership and chnage - Assighnment one - Research Assignment

Management, leadership and chnage - Assighnment one - Research proposal - Assignment Example Collectively, this will illustrate that failure to manage change leads to immense failure. This report will be based on information obtained from, books, news articles, and pertinent journals, which will go a long way in reconnoitering the concept of leadership and change management. The starting point will be a comprehensive background of Nokia to understand its trajectory overtime and more particularly its leadership and significant changes that it has undergone. This shall closely be followed by a wide-ranging literature review of various sources that explicates the various leadership styles. It will then propose a methodology to be used in conducting the research and end in a brief summary. However, prior to that, we define leadership as the act of setting directions, creating and inspiring others with a vision of achieving some predetermined goals or something new. Nokia is a mobile device manufacturer initiated in1865 by Fredrick Idestam, who was at that time a mining engineer (Nokia 2009). He did a commendable job by building a ground wood pulp mill on the Tammerkoski rapids. The mill was a paper plant to tailor made paper products to the market. Fredrick established a second mill with more hydropower resource near Nokianvirta River near Edwards’s Polon’s company groups. In the year 1871, the chief executive officer employed transformation leadership by renaming and transforming the firm into a share company hence Nokia Ab found. This was to improve quality and dominate the market. From the year 1861 to 1930, Edward Polon, the founder and chairman of Board, stepped up the transformation style leading to the development of another rubber industry in Finland. The company, consequently, build a wood and cable industry where Polon made a decision of naming it Nokia where the majority of his factories were located and where progressive

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Visit to Hill Station Essay Example for Free

Visit to Hill Station Essay Our school was closed for summer vacations on 18th May. It was very hot in Delhi. My parents decided to go to Niligiris. I too accompanied them. We packed our luggage and got ready for the journey. We went to Coimbatore by train. The railway journey was rather tiresome. From Coimbatore we went to Ooty by bus. We reached there in the afternoon and put up at a hotel. Ooty is one of the best hill-station of India. It may be called the queen of hill-station. It has many beauty spots. Next day, after breakfast, we were crowded with tourists form different parts of the country. People were making all sorts of purchases. After lunch we went to botanical gardens. We enjoyed the expense of horticultural beauty around our heart’s content. Niligiris has a healthy climate. It is a beautiful summer resort. The mountain slopes are covered with tall, green trees which present a caring sight at sunset and look very grand. The morning and evening hours are very pleasant. A cool breeze sets up and refreshes the mind. It makes one forget the oppressive heat of the plains. I felt happy in the company of nature. The bright hued flowers, the clouds sailing across the sky and the snow covered peaks of the high mountains in the distance filled my heart with joy. We stayed there for fortnight. I returned to Delhii reluctantly. The memory of my visit to Niligiris is still fresh in my mind.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Mergers And Acquisitions

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Mergers And Acquisitions Submitted By: Yatendra Kumar Discuss the strategic rationales and motives for American companies wishing to execute mergers outside the American borders. Do you think it is correct for the European Union to restrict mergers between American companies that do business in Europe? (For example, the European Commission vetoed the proposed merger between WorldCom and Sprint, both U.S. companies and it carefully reviewed the merger between AOL and TimeWarner, again both U.S. companies). Make recommendations on whether such mergers in the European Union are a worthwhile investment for American corporations. Introduction Todays business world is of growing economy and globalization, so most of the companies are struggling to achieve the optimal market share possible on both market level i.e. Domestic and International market. Day by day business person works to achieve a most well-known goal i.e. being the best by what you perform as well as getting there as quickly as possible. So firms work effortlessly to beat their rivals they assume various ways to try and do thus. Some of their ways might embody competitive within the market of their core competency. Therefore, it insuring that they need the best knowledge and skills to possess a fighting likelihood against their rivals in that business. In 21st century businesses are the game of growth. Every business want the optimum market share (growth) over their competitors, so companies are trying to get optimum growth by using the most common shortcut i.e. Merger and Acquisition (MA). The growth main motive is financial stability of a business and also the shareholders wealth maximization and main coalitions personal motivations. Mergers and acquisitions (MA) provides a business with a potentially bigger market share and it opens the business up to a more diversified market. In these days it is the most commonly use methods for the growth of companies. Merger and Acquisition (MA) basically makes a business bigger, increase its production and gives it more financial strength to become stronger against their competitor on the same market. Mergers and acquisitions have obtained quality throughout the world within the current economic conditions attributable to globalization, advancements of new technology and augmented competiti ve business world (Leepsa and Mishra, 2012). In the last decade, MA are the dominant means of organizations globalization (Weber, Shenkar and Raveh 1996). Merger particularly could be a growing development that has become an area of the recent business conditions and its apparent to possess affected each nation and trade (Balmer and Dinnie 1999). Concept of Mergers and Acquisition The main idea behind mergers and acquisition is one plus one makes three. The two companies together are more worth full than two classified companies at least thats the concluding behind mergers. Merger is the combination of two or more firms, generally by offering the shareholders of one firms securities in the acquiring firm in exchange for the acquiescence of their shares. Merger is the union of two or more firms in making of a new body or creation of a holding company (European Central Bank, 2000, Gaughan, 2002, Jagersma, 2005). In other words when two firms combine to create a new firm with shared resources and corporate objectives, it is known as merger (Ghobodian, liu and Viney 1999). It involves the mutual resolution of two firms to merge and become one entity and it may be seen as a choice created by two equals. The mutual business through structural and operational benefits secured by the merger will reduce cost and increase the profits, boosting stockholder values for each group of shareholders. In other words, it involves two or more comparatively equal firms, which merge to become one official entity with the goal of making thats value over the sum of its components. During the merger of two firms, the stockholders sometimes have their shares within the previous company changed for an equal amount of shares within the integrated entity. The fundamental principle behind getting an organization is to form shareholders wealth over and higher than that of two firms wealth. The best example of merger is merger between AOL and Time Warner in the year 2000. In 2000 the merger between AOL and Time Warner is one of the biggest deal that later fails. Advantages and disadvantages of Mergers and Acquisition (MA) The advantage and disadvantages of merger and acquisition are depending of the new companies short term and long term strategies and efforts. That is because of the factors likes market environment, Variations in business culture, acquirement costs and changes to financial power surrounding the business captured. So following are the some advantages and disadvantages of merger and acquisition (MA) are: Advantages: Following are the some advantages The most common reason for firms to enter into merger and acquisition is to merge their power and control over the markets. Another advantage is Synergy that is the magic power that allow for increased value efficiencies of the new entity and it takes the shape of returns enrichment and cost savings. Economies of scale is formed by sharing the resources and services (Richard et al, 2007). Union of 2 firms leads in overall cost reduction giving a competitive advantage, that is feasible as a result of raised buying power and longer production runs. Decrease of risk using innovative techniques of managing financial risk. To become competitive, firms have to be compelled to be peak of technological developments and their dealing applications. By MA of a small business with unique technologies, a large company will retain or grow a competitive edge. The biggest advantage is tax benefits. Financial advantages might instigate mergers and corporations will fully build use of tax- shields, increase monetary leverage and utilize alternative tax benefits (Hayn, 1989). Disadvantages: Following are the some difficulties encountered with a merger- Loss of experienced workers aside from workers in leadership positions. This kind of loss inevitably involves loss of business understand and on the other hand that will be worrying to exchange or will exclusively get replaced at nice value. As a result of MA, employees of the small merging firm may require exhaustive re-skilling. Company will face major difficulties thanks to frictions and internal competition that may occur among the staff of the united companies. There is conjointly risk of getting surplus employees in some departments. Merging two firms that are doing similar activities may mean duplication and over capability within the company that may need retrenchments. Increase in costs might result if the right management of modification and also the implementation of the merger and acquisition dealing are delayed. The uncertainty with respect to the approval of the merger by proper assurances. In many events, the return of the share of the company that caused buyouts of other company was less than the return of the sector as a whole. The merger and acquisition (MA) reduces flexibility. If a rival makes revolution and may currently market vital resources those are of superior quality, shift is tough. The change expense is the major distinction between the particular merger worth and also the merchandising value of the firm that can be of larger distinction. Literature Review: This paper deals with the merger and Acquisition of the companies. The combination of two firms is measure additional value than two companies at least thats the concluding behind mergers. This also includes the main strategic rationales and motives for American companies wishing to execute mergers outside the American borders and also is the European Union restriction on the American companies MA with European companies is correct by the help of case study of merger between AOL Time Warner. Strategic rationales and motives for American companies: The main rationales and motives of American companies to merger outside the America are to extend their market, get new source of raw materials and tap in large capital market. The cross-border MA is a widely used and popular strategic means for international companies looking to expand their business reach, widen new production facilities, enlarge new sources of raw resources, and tap into capital markets (Weston, Chung, Hoag, 1990). Deals out of the borders have been many and large during the 1990s (Subramanian et al., 1992), and the deals like that are probable to attain new heights due to globalization trends, decline in unwieldy business regulations and red tape, and by the development of standardized accounting standards by various capital-starved countries (Zuckerman, 1993). Moreover, the main motive is to expend their business or market and develop new sources for raw material. Restriction for Mergers in European Union: In the earlier times, the enforcement rules in European Zone against mergers were totally different. In the starting, the European Community wasnt abundant involved concerning mergers. The founders of European Economic Community believed that division of markets resulted into unskillfully and for them largeness was never a problem or a haul (Bermann et al, 1993). Theyd even thought of regulation as an answer for giant mergers instead of de-concentration. Actually, Mergers were generally accepted and cross-border mergers were most welcome which might facilitate mix the European Union. To the extent that the European Community started taking social control for mergers seriously, it majorly focused upon a drag that mergers would produce abuse of market power (Eleanor, M n.d). Finally, European Commission (EC) law thought of merger as a main growing concern. The EC authorities make certain that, once companies merge, the market balance is maintained and avoid distortion of competition an d formation of dominant position that might be abused. Giant companies ought to take approval from the European Union and deliver them with necessary one. Case study The merger between AOL and Time Warner was declared on 10 January 2000 and it was worth $183 billion. That was the biggest merger in the history of American business world. AOL had about 40% share of online service in the United States and the Time Warner have more than 18% of US media and cable households. The merger is taken into account to be a vertical merger between one amongst the most important web service suppliers and this one amongst the biggest media and entertainment firm. The new company was formed and named as AOL Time Warner and was the fourth biggest company in the US, as evaluated by stock market valuation. After the merger deal, AOL become a subsidiary the Time Warner Company at stage and has operations in Europe, North American countries and Asia. As a web service supplier, AOL on look severely rival from Microsoft, Yahoo and different low price net access suppliers. Thus, the corporate tries to induce advertising and e-commerce growth, thereby separate it by rival (BBC, 2000). Impact of deal on the performance After the official announcement of deal merger between AOL and Time Warner growth rate in revenue has dramatically declined. The profitability suffered a good plunge when the alliance. The potency of the new united firm was terribly poor as determined from the asset turnover ratio. Even the liquidity of the firm suffered once the merger as evident from this ratio. There are several reasons for failure however the foremost vital reason was the unequal size of the companies, wherever AOL was overvalued as a result of web bubble. According to New York share exchange before the deal the share price of AOL is 73 and Time Warne is 90 but after announcement of the merger deal the shareholders dissatisfaction shown on share market of AOL and Time Warner and the shares drop down to 47 and 71 respectively. AOL and Time Warner fail to keep up shareholders satisfaction levels this conjointly one among the rationale to loosing stability of share holders according to the Times magazine (Kane and M argaret, 2003). The market valuation of both the companies AOL and Time Warner were decline from the starting of the merger to end of the deal. AOL has drop down approximately 60 percent and Time Warner around 30 percent of market value once the deal has been closed. The market valuation of both the companies from 2000 to 2011 was dropped down drastically. The AOL market value has dropped from 167$ billion to 107$ billion and the Time Warner 124$ billion to 99$ billion and is the biggest dropped down of any company in American history. Reasons for merger Failures 1+1 = 3 sounds great but in practice or reality every time its not work properly and go awry. Historical trends show that roughly 2 thirds of huge mergers can let down on their own terms, which implies theyre going to lose worth on the stock exchange. The motivations that mainly drive mergers are frequently blemished and efficiencies from economies of scale might prove elusive (Investopedia, 2010). Adoption of the new technology takes time for the normal company. In late twentieth century dramatic changes has occur in web. Migration of recent mode of web service is connected with high barricade and a number of other social and legal problems was encircled around and recently established firms like yahoo, msn etc was giving high edge competition. Economical rate of inflation is high, to create economy stronger American government has modified the policy and taxation rules have throwing a dispute for AOL to beat this things merger with Time Warner became a fruit to the AOL. Public and private policies are one of the reasons for the merger failure. The reasons of merger failure is over valuation of AOL shares has shown a dramatic impact on the deal, where as stake holders are not satisfied and improper communication with consumers damages the trust of user. The mergers fail was a result not only because of the replete of the dot-com bubble but it also the failings by AOL Time Warn er management to ever really integrate the two firms. Conclusion One size does not match all. Several firms think that the most effective way to get ahead is to expand business boundaries through mergers and acquisitions (MA). Mergers produce synergies and economies of scale, increasing operations and cutting prices. Investors will take comfort within the idea that a merger can deliver increased market power. The same thing happens with the Americas biggest merger deal between AOL and Time Warner. They think that merger is helpful for both the companies but it not matched for both of them. Both AOL and Time Warner synergies shows diversification is that the main goal of the firms to extend the revenue and to attain the value gain because of the amendment in mode of technology and increase in the competition for the well established firms. Throughout the phase of merger web bubbles also the main cause for over valuation of shares. In distinction Time Warner was the victim of net bubble. This type merger failure cases shows support the European Comm ission to restrict the American companies to merge with the European companies. European commission has a right to govern the European market and make stable the Euro Zone market. The European commission (EC) is thought of defending domestic companies from foreign rival and they encourage their zone mergers. So the European commission doesnt want any problems like dis-economies of scale, clashes of cultures and reduction of flexibilities by the merger of American companies. So the merger is highly regulated by European Union to avoid major concentration of economic power in euro zone. The merger deals cases like AOL and Time Warner helps the European Commission (EC) to make strict rules to restrict the merger and acquisition (MA) of American companies with the Euro Zone companies. Advantages and Disadvantages of Mergers and Acquisitions Advantages and Disadvantages of Mergers and Acquisitions Mergers and Acquisitions can be described as a step taken by any two organizations to make a more valuable company rather than two separate companies. Although the terms merger and acquisition are used very closely, but they are different. When one company takes over the other, the target company is taken as non-existent and the buyer company takes over the company continues to trade the stocks with its name. Whereas, in case of mergers, two separate firms, mostly of the same size, mutually agree to go forward with an entirely single new company with respect to the operations and owning of the new firm jointly rather than two separate firms. The case is about the merger of British Airways and Iberia making them to catch up on their rival Air Carriers and compete with the low-cost airlines, rising fuel costs, security concerns and costs for customers. However, due to commercial purposes, both the Airways would retain their existing brands. Both the companies look forward to gain from the merger with respect to a greater access across America. For the miracle worker, William M Walsh, who announced the planned merger, after a difficult year for British Airways, due to Icelandic Volcanic Ash Clouds and Cabin Crew strikes, situation has become even more trouble-some with the kind of response British Airways has been receiving from the BASSA (British Airline Stewards and Stewardesses Association), Unite Union, BALPA (British Airline Pilots Association) and their own staff. Though the travel analysts believe that the merger would on a long run prove to be beneficial for travelers or customers, but the concern right now for British Airways is to re-convince the BASSA (British Airline Stewards and Stewardesses Association), Unite Union Leadership who have changed their mind to settle for the new changes taking place. On the other hand, the media and the staff including BALPA (British Airline Pilots Association) are also at unrest due to the new proceedings taking place. Now the problem which Tom McCarthy, the retiring HRM Director of British Airways is trying to resolve is how the British Airways can settle the industrial unrest. As clearly stated, the industrial unrest is caused due to the merger with Iberia, and also the proposed plans of pay-cuts, redundancy, job losses and retaining the best talent pool and change in working conditions. Unite union, after the shareholders meeting, have announced to ballot the choices of cabin crew, whether to or not to take any further industrial action. However, on the other hand, BASSA (British Airline Stewards and Stewardesses Association) is also seeking a ballot for carrying out a strike against the British Airways. If I was asked to determine, how the British Airways could manage the rounds of Industrial Action, my first step would be to call for a meeting with the British Airways Carriers Management, the complete management representatives, representatives from the Unite Union, from BASSA (British Airline Stewards and Stewardesses Association), from BALPA (British Airline Pilots Association) and the staff. Since, this merger was planned, the expected output with respect to revenue is profitable, the concerns of the manpower cannot be ignored. Thus, a consultative meeting with the purpose of Collective Bargaining could be planned and called. Collective Bargaining can be used as a term for voluntary negotiation between the employer, employee or the trade union. The purpose of collective bargaining is to reach at a mutual agreement with respect to the work and the working conditions. Since, the purpose would be to negotiate, the management would point out the benefits of the mergers and the reasons for the decisions that could or would be taken due to the same. The discussion, on the other hand, give a chance to the other side of the employer, to put their view-point forward and also, come up with suggestions that could ease out the unrest amongst the staff and their associations. The steps that could facilitate a better response from the employees, other than a collective meeting for negotiation could be holding department wise meetings, encouragement of written communication, placing of suggestion box at various areas for the employees. As a second step, I would have to draft the expected Human Resource challenges that the British Airways would face due to the industrial unrest caused by the merger. During a merger, the human capital, i.e., the employees are scrutinized other than financial and material assets of any company. The staff, across levels become insure about their job. They fear demotion, decreased salaries and even continued employment. The main Human resource challenge faced is to decide how many employees would be affected and what would be the time line for the same. The issue of taking such decisions requires a good and clear communication that is free from any kind of rumors. In mergers, mostly one or few among the available are taken, either the company proposes downsizing, wherein, the decision is taken to let the personnel go for improving their efficiency or lay-offs, wherein, the termination takes place, either of employees or of positions. The decision for such affair is taken by the dominant company and thus, the HR needs to follow a professional approach towards planning a fair method of lay-off implementation. Another issue is to assimilate the new employee with the old after the merger. The introduction and assigning of team to facilitate team work would have to be done with great planning and care. Also, as discussed earlier, the concern which is faced by the British Airways is the resistance to change by the employees. With a proper channel of communication, suggestion boxes etc, this problem can also be worked out and sort a solution for. For any merger to be successful, it is imperative, that the manpower, the people involved, who drive the business and its growth are capable of creating, innovating and executing things collaboratively. The employees should be able to understand, why such an action is taken by the management and what benefit it would produce for them. They should be able to relate the value , the merger would bring to their daily work life. The challenge here is that the management should not act as an administrator but a coach or profit consultant. The Human Resource department here should focus on easing the merger transition and fitting the pieces as closely as possible. It should initiate in areas other than just administration or payroll but work closely together with the management in recruitment, retention and managing the effects of cultural change. The people may also be resistant to change because they might have to work in a different process, different department, different geographical location other than a different team, management and new members. The HR should take up these issues seriously as it might result in walk-outs also, as in the case of British Airways where BASPA is planning for a strike ballot, where around 10,500 workers may walkout. The possible solutions or potential HR strategic plans should be drafted. The management could give time to the employees to build trust amongst all the new people, the environment and the changes introduced. Both the companies should appoint an integration team, which would include the Human Resource team to meet periodically to plan the changes and execute the same at the acquired firm. The HR team of the dominant company would have to learn about the acquired company, its business and the people working in it. The approach to be followed should be of participative nature and not dominative. Like in British Airways, where it has been clearly agreed by Walsh, that the jobs would be lost, cost cutting would be exercised, and employees may be asked for voluntary redundancy other than pay-cuts for cabin-crew. On the other hand, Iberia also plans to freeze their hiring plans and also request for early retirement of many of its employees. Measure should be take to be taken to address the concerns of the employees, by mean of an open communication, there could be a hot-line for the employees where they may call and and confidential seek answers to their queries , since many employees may not want to put their foot forward in public. The purpose should be to encourage the employees to meet their new counterpart and companions. The Human Resource team should focus and aim at introducing and familiarizing the new teams and new set of people with each other, as these people are insecure and worried about their jobs and future. With British Airways and Iberias merger, the possible areas of conflict and resistance that may arise in the transitional period of replacing old crew with new crew. The transitional period bring with it a lot of anxiety, rejection, self-protectiveness, this was not hoped for response for the new management, defensiveness etc. The employees may not be ready to work with people they do not think they will be able to be friendly with. Since, the feeling and anger of losing their friends, who because of the merger, might have been laid off or downsized. The staff members may not want to work under the new policies and practices laid down by the new management. They may also be resistant to change their location or department of work. During transition, employees may feel displaced, low on energy, may resent to learn new things, may lose focus. People during such time , want their normal days to return as quickly as possible. They at such times have an amplified need for predictability, control and protection. An aggrieved employee would look for visible leader, accessible management Whenever an organization makes a change, its people have to deal with, first an ending or letting go of what was; then a time between the old and the new when the person is a drift called the neutral zone, and then a new beginning or reintegration. (Bridges, 1991). When we talk about a training program, we analyse the need for such a program on the first place. Since, here it is a matter of merger of two companies, where other than many changes, one change is about the working of the new company, its management, its policies and the planned practices. The training programme should be designed to serve the purpose of filling the gap between, what is know, may be through mouth of word, or as a rumor and to let people know the truth or the facts. The training program should be designed to address the issues of the employees concerned. Since, the company formed is new, it would have to address the concerns relating the working style and the management, the people in the management etc. It should focus on introducing the new formulations, rules, regulations, and peole in the company.

Friday, September 20, 2019

African Americans Essay -- essays research papers

Differences in race lead to divergent levels of economic development within the United States. Analysts often try to explain this phenomenon by observing a specific ethnic group's tradition and cultural ideology. Economists expand their analysis on the economic behaviors of African Americans by taking into consideration personal histories and value systems of the group under study. American families measure economic status in terms of income, and factors associated with material security as a whole. These factors may consist of health care, college funds, and retirement plans. However, African American families lag well behind when conceptualizing economic development under these terms.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The reason is due to numerous instances of discrimination that occur in the U.S. Many of America's public policies aid in the underdevelopment of non-white families. Increased economic development within America is the key to upward political and social mobility. If minorities are denied inevitable rights to equality, access to economic development becomes a highly difficult process. Despite America's idealized view on equal opportunity, it is valid to assume that economic security has been limited on the basis of race. Therefore, it is important to investigate why white American families are economically better-off than non-white American families. One must take into account aspects of political participation, education, and the number of children a family has in the home in order to understand this research question. Contemporary Viewpoints:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The lack of political participation of minority groups is a prevalent issue within the United States, explaining why non-white American families are less economically developed when compared to white American families. According to Douglas S. Massey (1995), minority families increasingly speak languages and bear cultures quite different than the established norms within the U.S. regime. He has found that ethnic groups carry their customs into new generations, leading many non-white families to become displaced and impoverished. Brinck Kerr and Will Miller (1997) believe that it is necessary for non-white American families to participate in elections in order to obtain equal representation that they are now lacking. They go on to say that political representation is the key t... ethnic prejudice and discrimination as the United States continues to assimilate into the melting pot for the American dream. Political participation, education, and the number of children within the home are variables that allow the transition to become a less arduous process for white American families. However, if non-white American families continue to do poorly in terms of economic development because of these variables, non-whites will continue to lag behind the income scale in comparison to whites.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Research along these lines will lead to the study of relative differences between ethnic cultures. An example is the discovery of why almost half the number of minorities return to their country of origin after experiences of economic injustice. Previous research may also benefit other analysis in the field of economics by itemizing fertility rates in terms of the higher number of non-white American families who lack the finances to properly nourish their children. These new variables along with my research can in time become valid determinants in explaining why white American families are economically better off that non-white American families.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

quotes :: essays research papers

The world is a puzzle and we're two pieces that fit perfectly together. Within you, I lose myself, without you, I find myself, searching to be lost again Love is like an hourglass with the heart filling up as the brain empties Immature love says: "I love you because I need you." Mature love says: "I need you because I love you." I don't need to be wanted, I want to be needed. Love is when you've ran out of excuses for hating someone. When a young man complains that a young woman has no heart, it is a pretty sure sign that she has his Love is like pizza, when it's good, it's really good. When it's bad, It's still pretty good. Absence sharpens love, but presence strengthens it Devil, don't you know you are as beautiful as an Angel? G. Leopardi In any relationship in which two people become one, the end result is two half people If you're sweet and sincere, I'll call you my dear. If you're kind and funny, I'll call you my honey. If you're caring and smart, I'll call you my sweetheart. If you posess all of the above, then you are my true love. It's easy to fall in love, but it's hard to find someone to catch you Im sweet like suger, soft like suade, but unlike nintendo i never get played Why shed tears in the pond of life when you can make a splash? Thou art to me a delicious torment. My heart is ever at your service Kiss me and you will see stars; love me and I will give them to you. Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it. Bitterness paralyzes life; love empowers it. Bitterness sours life; love sweetens it. Bitterness sickens life; love heals it. Bitterness blinds life; love anoints its eyes. It is impossible to repent of love. The sin of love does not exist. I'm in the mood for love Simply because you're near me. Funny, but when you're near me I'm in the mood for love. A kiss is something you cannot give without taking and cannot take without giving. "Where should one use perfume?" a young woman asked. "Wherever one wants to be kissed," I said.-- Coco Chanel Where one drop of blood drains a castle of life, so one kiss can bring it alive again. Some people grumble because roses have thorns. I am thankful that thorns have roses. We are each of us angels with only one wing. And we can only fly embracing each other

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The United Kingdom and India: A Study of Gender and Economic/Regional Cleavages :: India England Government Politics Essays

The United Kingdom and India: A Study of Gender and Economic/Regional Cleavages Introduction The United Kingdom, a former world power and colonizing empire, and India, the second most populous country in the world and former colony of the United Kingdom, share a bond of democracy. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy with a Parliament consisting of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Similarly, India is a federal state also with a parliamentary form of government. Despite these similar political systems, studies of the individual histories, economies, and political cultures of each country reveal cleavages within each society affecting aspects of the governments such as institutions, voting behavior, and policy making. This paper will address two major cleavages within the United Kingdom and India, gender inequality and economic/regional divisions, and will analyze the effects each cleavage has upon political systems of each country. Gender Cleavages Although the United Kingdom and India include legal equality, or suffrage, for men and women, both countries experience a persistent gender gap including discrimination against women. The United Kingdom distinguishes itself from India in that gender issues affect the population primarily in government and in the labor realm, while India's cleavages influence the government, labor, and social realms. With the efforts of National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, formed in 1897, and the Women's Social and Political Union of 1903 (Bartley 8), women gained partial suffrage as those over thirty were allowed to vote in 1918, and in 1928, those twenty-one and older were included (Shively 111-112). Legislation was not passed until 1970, with the Equal Pay Act establishing that women should receive equal pay for the same work as men, and the Sex Discrimination Act of 1975 attempted to curb unfair practices preventing women's equal access to jobs (Makepeace 1). Despite these governmental at tempts to close the gender gap, women share only twenty-eight percent of total labor income (although this has increased from seventeen percent in 1965), and, while women continue to spend more time than men doing unpaid domestic work, women receive only sixty-four percent of men's average hourly pay in the labor market (Horrell 12-13). Further, women are underrepresented in government--they compromise less than one-fifth of the House of Commons (Taylor 1), sixteen percent of the House of Lords, and only twenty-five percent of local councilors (Follett 3). According to Parliament member, Barbara Follett, these few women in the House of Commons must conform to a male culture that is "competitive, confrontational, conservative, conformist, and ceremonial.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A historical overview of the African-American race Essay

Frankly, most persons today have learned African history through European eyes. To the European, Africa was the place where the trader, missionary, explorer and conqueror made names for themselves. Europeans often considered Africa backward and called it the â€Å"Dark Continent. † But do the Africans consider that they were really as backward as the Europeans imply? One answer is produced by Nwabueze Chukwemeka Okoye of New York’s State University College, Department of African and Afro-American Studies. Of European expansion into Africa, he says: â€Å"The effort was clearly to justify European dominance of the Africans not in terms of sheer force (which it was) but in terms of a cultural superiority (which it was not). † Particularly, African-Americans are believed to derive their background from the Sub-Saharan race of slaves that have been shipped from the African regions towards the Northern American areas during the years of slavery. Some of them also shared both European and Asian blood and heritage that they carried the said mixture of both particular cultures as they were transferred to America. Because they were already branded as â€Å"slaves† the African-American community simply used to accept whatever it is that is said to them as noted by the â€Å"white race†. They were most of the time treated like as if they were of no worth and that their life is no more better than that of the animals that they used to take care if. Sadly though, although the years of slavery have finally ended, the brand that goes with the African-American race has not been removed yet. Many people still tend to treat them as low-raced people who ought to receive harsh treatments from the society. However, there is always a time for breaking the silence. The undoubtedly strong perseverance of the people of the African race in seeing what is being done to their race have been finally ended when there were people like Sojourner Truth and other abolitionists who were courageous enough to face their â€Å"masters† [the white Americans] and break the ties of slavery that entangles them with the dreadful situation of living that they were experiencing before. The hopeful African-American race then perceived that at least they would have the freedom that their so-called â€Å"heroes† worked their efforts for. However, in the long run, it could be noted that this particular freedom has not been given completely by the American government towards the African-American race yet. Seeing the situations within the American society, it could be observed that the African-American race still continues to experience racial division within the said society.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Limit television watching and computer time Essay

Sedentary lifestyles promote obesity, so it is important to limit hours spent sitting idly in front of the television or computer. When a child is allowed to spend more time in front of the television or playing computer games they are more likely to stay there than engage in physical activities like playing and running. It is also of note that the child who spends time in front of the television or the computer is more likely to consume junk food while watching television and playing computer games, especially if the adult permits such. Set aside specific times to spend outdoors It is also of note that it might be wise to actually plan times to spend outdoors, one weekend or a day to spend outside in the park. Family activities to be spend outside of the house like the park or backyard playing backyard basketball or football or simple activities like playing tag or swimming can be utilized in order to promote outdoor activity. Do not allow television inside the children’s room Research indicates that about 77% of children have television sets in their rooms (Kaiser Family Foundation report, 1999). This promotes laziness in the child, lying in bed while watching television that may also include munching on junk foods and chocolate. Adapt an active lifestyle Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Or if the school is near, walking to school might also be a good idea. It might be of note that parents who are more active enables their children to be more active as well. Forget the no pain, no gain theory Children should be taught to enjoy physical activities not an activity to be afraid of. It is a lifelong theory but one must surmise that a child may not be susceptible to such and they might not be adaptable to any activity that might require them to feel pain so this theory should be junked and that physical activity should be considered as fun and enjoyable to the child rather than hard labor, so it is imperative that physical activity interventions should be aimed at being enjoyable and fun for a child lest risk the child not doing the activity at all. Plan for a variety of Activities This is so to avoid monotony and boredom, especially in children who are more often than not easily distracted and easily bored by repetitive activities. It is important that the child not become bored with the activity so it is imperative that a child has a variety of activities that will help avoid monotony and help increase interest. One may note that a child, even an adult can become easily bored when they are subjected to repetitive activities. Enhancing the intervention program to be varied and fun will help the child stay into the program rather than feel that it is a boring tasked to be endured and not to be enjoyed. One may realize that in order for any program to derive successful outcomes, it is recommended that family members participate in programs patterned for the obese child, it can be noted that parents and sibling that serve as role models for these children often feel loved and therefore can provide better success of the programs (CDC 1997). Riding bicycles, Outdoor walks or swimming activities can be fun activities that also make children feel good and may not be construed as a chore they need to do to lose weight; it can just be construed as a family activity when parents and siblings are involved, rather than a taxing responsibility they must endure in order to please the parent and become more healthy. The Centers for Disease Control recommends schools set up policies that encourage enjoyable, lifelong physical activity among young adults. (CDC, 1997). Their guidelines state, â€Å"Physical education should emphasize skills for lifetime physical activities (e. g. , dance, strength training, and jogging. Swimming, bicycling, cross-country skiing, walking, and hiking) rather than those for competitive sports. † (CDC, 1997) These experts also advocate that activities to enhance fitness and adaptation of a more healthy behavior become an important aspect of the family’s lifestyle. Developing an After school Wellness Program As the child’s school tends to be the second home of most children, with them spending half of their lifetimes in school and good deal of their days there, it can be considered as a good avenue to start a wellness program for children, not necessarily the obese ones, in order to help prevent and cure the worsening case of obesity in children. This increasing occurrence of obesity in children may be attributed in part to increased sedentary behavior, such as watching television, which leads to less energy expended in physical activity. It has been theorized that by middle school, many children lack the physical skills or self-confidence to participate in competitive physical activities and involvement in various activities in school It is believed that an increased physical activity relative to the customary physical activities at home. The aim of the afterschool program should be, information dissemination and education, activities that enhance physical movements like dance exercises and sports activities, and other outdoor activities like games that promote physical activities, gardening and adventure education plus development of good eating habits by healthy cook outs and development of new healthy recipes by the children themselves, this can and will encourage children’s eating habits.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Impact of Economic Growth and Employment Rate on Inflation Essay

The public sector has used a mix of policies to control inflation, and it is also held responsible for its creation. The consumer price index (CPI) increased over 11 percent in 1981-82, and over 12 percent in 1990-91. Similarly, sensitive price index (SPI) increased over 15 percent in 1981-82, and over 12 percent in 1990-91. The GDP deflator was also double-digit for several years. Inflation not only affects sectoral allocation and distribution of income but also generates poverty. Several supply side and demand side factors could be responsible for this surge in inflation. Inflation can be a result of shocks to the supply of certain food items and to world oil markets. Rising oil prices can pose risk of increase in prices of almost all other commodities of the consumer basket. Such supply-side shocks are very volatile and can cause large fluctuations in food and oil prices. The effects of this on overall inflation at times can be so excessive that these cannot be countered through demand management, including monetary policy. However, greater emphasis in the recent debate on inflation remained on the demand side factors. The demand side pressures were often considered as an outcome of the September 11, 2001 incident in the United States of America (USA) and a combination of expansionary monetary and fiscal policies. First, increased domestic demand due to remittances from abroad and liberal demand-management policies outpaced the domestic production, creating a positive output gap, which in turn put upward pressure on prices. A recently conducted survey by the PIDE on inflation expectations reveals that people are expecting high inflation together with high unemployment, a decline in growth rate and decreasing currency value.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

New Zealand’s Largest Ethical Dilemma Essay

Too much fun and not little liability is the focus of the dilemma. New Zealand is the place where forty percent of the tourist go and participate some one of the most courageous and dangerous adventures that exist. Although danger come with everyday activities and the day to day life, such as driving in bad condition; that is considered to taken our lives into our own hands. When a person travels to an adventure park, and making the decision to make a 134 meter leap off of a bridge, or take a ride in a hot air balloon, maybe a little sky diving, they are assuming that the operators are operating in compliance with all codes, regulations, manual guidelines, and maybe a little common sense and less greed. You won’t get that with this New Zealand Adventure company whose business has caused the death of fifty individuals in the last eight years as a result of gross negligence. For example, after supervisor has a debate with the owner regarding the weather conditions and the dangers that he fears should the scheduled hot air balloon ride take off holding eleven passengers including the pilot, the owner refuses to stay the scheduled flight and forces the pilot to take off. Part of the reasoning is the thousand’s of dollars that would be loss should the ride not take place. After departing the ground in bad weather, the balloon was thrown into a power line and killed everyone. Another example is the place that had crashed killing all passengers of which the crash was inevitable considering the owner failed to keep in compliance with the flight manual, maintenance, and regulations. The saddening part is that there are several adventurist companies’ out there that should not be in operation. Yet no matter what the accident it, what injuries sustained including death, the cause of the accident, etc, according to the New Zealand’s â€Å"No Fault Accident Liability System†, no company is to be held or found liability for there actions. In lieu of the  companies being held liability and accountable for their negligence the New Zealand’s justice systems believes that they have equaled it out by creating the accidental compensation law. This law states that no where or how the accident occurred, or what the injuries are and medical attention required that the victim shall receive full medical treatment at no costs. But that’s it because the law states â€Å"cannot sue for negligence or wrongful death†. There is a serious dilemma here, and that it that the death toll will continue to rise as a result of gross negligence as long the companies are not held accountable for there stupidity.  The long time fight for a possible solution and the only solution to bring the focus of these negligent companies to the safety and welfare of their customers is to â€Å"overhaul the legal system to count for accountability† and impose sanctions, negligence charges, and hold them to their liability to protect and honor the safety of the customers they serve. Or take the position that after no many reports of negligence that the government regulations state that the business be immediately shut down, sanctions and fine payable to the medical fund to cover the expenses as a result of negligence and that the owner and operator be prohibited from owning, having an interest, or operating in entities that involve high risk adventures. Reference Adrenaline Nation: New Zealand’s Adventure Tourism. Retrieved from Adventure

Friday, September 13, 2019

The advantages and disadvantages of rationalism Essay

The advantages and disadvantages of rationalism - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that in the organizational context, rationalization can be described as the reorganization of a company with the intention of increasing its efficacy; this can be done through a variety of ways. For one, the size of the organization in question may be reduced, alternatively, there could be a change in policy or alteration of strategy concerning a given product or service. From a sociological point of view, rationalization often denotes the replacing of traditional values as well as emotions as key motivators in society; instead, people are expected to apply calculated and set goals with objective means and ends. Examples of such scenarios include the bureaucracy in government and to some extent in the private sector; decisions are made not according to the ideas of feelings of any one individual by through strictly following a set of pre-set rules. One of the main benefits of rationalization is it facilitates efficiency in social organizati ons such that the people involved follow the rules which guide them in making the right decisions and by extension meet the goals of their society. Nevertheless, rationalization has also been highly criticised, for one, it is seen as a force for the dehumanization of people in favor of rules organizational behaviors. In addition, the fact that rationalization has been retrospectively dubbed as progress has been opposed on the basis of its tendency to move modernity away from the tenets of enlightenment.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Wal-mart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Wal-mart - Essay Example Such political opposition emanates mostly from community members who raises economic concerns related to the largest retail store company expansion. The inherent politics reflects constant concerns that mainly results from Walmart’s negligence and insensitivity to corporate concerns besides market dominance. Though the opposition may arguably result from local political pressures, partial contribution of unjust interference and violation of business rights exists. Every company would wish to expand and make profit. Any interference against such expansion is unfair and violates their rights. Though Walmart’s expansion remains a genuine business objective, opponents of such success presents valid concerns. Continual expansion of Walmart have assuredly caused various consumption issues amongst consumers. Expansion of Walmart have reduced consumers’ scope of choice for preferred services and goods while additionally increasing prices of retailed items. Involvement of Walmart in corporate responsibilities including provision of relief food to Hurricane Katrina victims and association with government in providing healthy foods reflects opponents’ valid concerns (Shaw & Barry, 2015). Consequently, Walmart’s expansion faces legitimate political opposition from locals besides unfair partial market system interference. It is imperative for Walmart to enhance their corporate responsibility concerns to help manage such political oppositions to their genuine

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Banking and the management of financial institutions Essay

Banking and the management of financial institutions - Essay Example Financial institutions therefore play a key role because they take money from people who want to save and they don’t keep them but lend them to others on the other side who invest in the development programs (Schroeck, 2002).There has to be a process of financial development. Financial development occurs through the process of economic development. In some cases, financial developments are first put in place then steering development growth and in others, the growth of the economy and business lead to a need for a financial institution to sustain it. The current situations have affected financial institutions in immense ways, the current economic crisis have affected the sector and have impacted greatly on individual banks and as a result their priorities have changed in a move to cope with the changes in response to the sudden crisis that have hit across (Schroeck, 2002). Section 2How are banks able to loan businesses, finance education and make it possible for people to buy homes with mortgages?, how are banks run so as to be able to earn more profits, how are they being managed with regard to balance sheet?, and what are the banks income determinants?.   How are banks able to manage interest risks and also able to get financiers? Finally how banks being regulated and what are the benefits and some challenges that are encountered in an effort to regulate banks. Who is responsible or which are the main institution that play a bigger role in the management of banks and other financial institutions.... ion and make it possible for people to buy homes with mortgages?, how are banks run so as to be able to earn more profits, how are they being managed with regard to balance sheet?, and what are the banks income determinants?. How are banks able to manage interest risks and also able to get financiers? Finally how banks being regulated and what are the benefits and some challenges that are encountered in an effort to regulate banks. Who is responsible or which are the main institution that play a bigger role in the management of banks and other financial institutions. The world economic crisis has reduced drastically people trust on the financial institutions specifically banking (Schroeck, 2002). Marketing therefore no longer guarantees customer loyalty and trust but a rather more practical strategy that is customer centered. Marketing has to be more creative in their work and therefore have to both apply different strategies that but together both science and art to quickly understa nd customers and find opportunity for growth, They have to apply different ways in dealing with multi diverse issues in order to meet the demand of diverse consumers and business banking customers regardless of their diversity, age and business (Hull, 2012). Majority of banks nowadays are changing and improving the appearance or efficiency of their processes. They have tremendously improved their efficiency and have worked hard towards fine tuning customers facing numerous distribution channels and also in building them into the system. Industries that will thrive well in the current business environment are those financial institutions that are sensitive to the need of customers and ones that control products and services as well as product and are innovative (Hull, 2012). Customers

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Media - Essay Example However, there are a few disadvantages of web publications. For instance, traditional print sources go through an extensive publication process that includes editing and article review. The process has fact-checkers, multiple reviewers, and editors to ensure quality of publication. Where as anyone with a computer and access to the Internet can publish a website or electronic document. Most web documents do not have editors, fact-checkers, or other types of reviewers. Qualifications of an author are almost always necessary for print sources. Only qualified authors are likely to have their manuscripts accepted for publication. In web publication even if the author and purpose of a website can be determined, the qualifications of the author are not always given (Driscoll, 2006). There are still individuals who lack the computer knowledge and access, print media would be of great use to such individuals. The appearance of the internet gave the written word a renewed importance. Electronic publishing might be the next best thing since the printing press, but it might not be very good business to throw out the paper publishing equipment yet. The success of electronic publishing depends on consumers being able to access, browse and purchase, and as of October of 2003 only 61.8% of United States households had computers, and only 54.6% of U.S. households had internet connection (Gallagher, M. & Cooper, K., 2004). Electronic publishing would not be available to over 45% of the households in the U.S., people within those households would have to electronically published newspapers and books at school, work, library or within businesses that provide internet service to the public for a fee. While the delivery technique for scientific publications has changed rapidly, the economic ramifications have hardly changed at all. The extremely low marginal costs of selling information over the Inte rnet favor the use of sales and marketing strategies such as

Monday, September 9, 2019

Current and Non-Current Assets Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Current and Non-Current Assets Paper - Essay Example For instance; accounts that are receivable are the owing by clients and these should be reflected in the balance sheet in the value realizable. To this those accounts whose collectibility is uncertain must be free of an allowance referred to as doubtful debts and thus should reflect the realizable value. The realizable value is the amount expected to be taken in cash form in reasonable terms. Cash equivalents are those securities that are near-cash like treasury bills of the US expected to mature in three-month time or in a shorter period. Inventory on the other hand, may not always be liquid in conditions of crisis. For example; those commodities that are perishable in nature, high fashion goods, seasonal commodities, things subjected to obsolescence due to their technological nature or the items of trendy nature. Due to the fact that inventory can easily fall in value, it must be reflected in the balance sheet at the value lower of market and cost values. (Livingstone and Grossman, 2001) While currents assets are utilizable or consumable within a year, non-current assets are different in that they can be used fore more than one year. Relatively non-current assets are costly and they aid a business to operate over a long time. Attention in the management of current assets is centered on their transportability and liquidity, but it’s different when it comes to non-current assets. Non-current assets demand attention because of their expensiveness in terms of cost and the long time horizon coverage. This nature of non-current assets calls for an extensive time view in acquisition, planning and management. Non current assets are usually acquired for utilization in the business operations and they are not purposed for resale. They give to the businesses economic benefits for a period extending longer than one accounting period. They are classified into two categories; tangible and intangible. Tangible assets are also

Information security management framework Research Paper - 2

Information security management framework - Research Paper Example In regards to the security of information and networks, policies typically cover a single aspect such as the acceptable utilization of computing facilities in a learning institution (Singh, 2007). On the other hand, standards are thorough and comprehensive statements of the aspects that members of an organization are supposed to participate in in order to abide by the set policies. They may exist in the form of requirements specific to systems or procedures, which are supposed to be adhered to by everyone. For instance, the employees may wish to use their personal mobile devices in the workplace; in this case, the standards set for the connection of the mobile devices to the network run by the organization must be adhered to precisely (Laet & Schauwers, 2005). Additionally, guidelines are literally groups of system or procedural specific recommendations that govern nest practices but are not must-follow controls. Nevertheless, reference to standards and guidelines is seen as an efficient and effective aspect of a good security policy. All the documents listed have varying target audiences in a company and thus they are not supposed to be combined into a single document. Rathe r, there should be a number of documents, which will collectively develop the concept of an information security policy framework thereby making the security policy the most important document

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 29

Case Study - Essay Example ove, however, cannot be established since the available evidence makes it apparent that the omission or misstatement of material facts was not deliberate. SEC recognizes misrepresentation as an offence (Miller et al., 2008, Page 572). In suing Mitchell & Moss and demanding recovery, those who purchased the Whitlow & Company shares of stock would base their argument on negligence on the part of the former and its major deviations from the stipulated norms of auditing and due diligence standards. They are further required to provide evidence that (i) they were third party beneficiaries in the contract between Mitchell & Moss and the Whitlow & Company and (ii) Mitchell & Moss is legally obliged to act without negligence in the audit of the Whitlow & Company. There certainly were instances in which such claims by third party found favour, the conventional viewpoint is that it is iniquitous to implicate auditors with unlimited liability on charge of negligence. The present case is broadly within the scope of the latter view. Section 11 of the Securities Act of 1933 imposes civil liability on accountants for misstatements and omissions of material facts (Miller et al., 2008, Page 650). On the basis of this, Jackson asserts that she suffered a loss by relying upon the financial statements, prepared and certified by Mitchell & Moss, which were misleading. This claim for recovery of damage, however, is valid only if she succeeds in establishing that the untruth or omission was not known to her at the time of purchasing the Whitlow & Company shares of stock. Jackson’s is a case of potential liability in the plaintiff’s favor in which it becomes entirely the defendant’s responsibility to explain why he should not be held liable. One option available for Mitchell & Moss is to argue that the alleged omission or untruth could, in all likeliness, be deemed to be known to Jackson, she being a member of the Private Placement Group having access to and sound knowledge of

Saturday, September 7, 2019

4G Security or Application Security on the Web Research Proposal

4G Security or Application Security on the Web - Research Proposal Example 4G technology is aimed in order to simplify wireless abilities, network speeds, and enhanced pictorial expertise. The characteristics of these telecommunication technologies have increased the concern about network security. As wireless system has diverse copyrighted technologies and security etiquettes, it is hard to make a universal security plan for the devices which apply multiple etiquettes such as 4G system (Akyildiz, Gutierrez-Estevez, & Reyes, 2010). Background of Study 4G requires an exclusive approach in telecommunication technology for developing operative models to accomplish its strategic objectives. The requirement of 4G networks is associated with the increased utilization of websites (such as Facebook) and improvement in download speed from internet portals which entail remarkable bandwidth (such as YouTube videos). As these websites are gaining much admiration within people nowadays, therefore it is a great prospect for telecommunication service providers to accommod ate the desires of people. However, there are a few security concerns that telecommunication provides need to address and resolve for better service (Ahmed, Garrison, Gruen, Kelly, & Pankey, 2003). Literature Review The first 4G network was developed in the year 2009 through joint venture between two organizations, Intel and Clearwire. Gradually, this technology has expanded throughout cities, states and nations all over the world. 3G networks were initially developed with the intention of forming a standard in the world for telecommunication, and the motive behind developing 4G network is to allow people to access internet independently from devices such as mobile phones. But in order to provide the enhanced facilities, there is need for high security patterns and reliability of system to ensure safe surfing. The security measures should be established in such a way so that it can enable data transmission with minimum risk (Gobjuka, 2009). Security in 4G networks generally consist of verification, privacy, reliability and authorization in order to gain network connectivity. The 4G technology is incorporated with ‘quality of service’ (QoS) and flexibility. Besides, it is also considered that the network terminal of 4G always chooses the best access point available. In the wireless network there are several security breaches that occur such as channel congestion, denial of service (DOS), illegal access, session hijacking and snooping among others. Though the issue of security had been solved mostly through utilizing manifold layers of encryption etiquette, but there are other drawbacks in this system such as unexploited power, wasted energy and greater transmission interruption. In 4G systems the model of interlayer safety network had been developed, where only a single layer is constructed for data encryption (Gardezi, 2006). But 4G needs more development with respect to mobile node (MN) flow while users roam into new telecommunication providerâ⠂¬â„¢s network (Fu, Hogrefe, Narayanan, & Soltwisch, 2004). Problem Statement The research is planned to concentrate on the security issues of 4G on the web. It is quite difficult to quantify the security risks of 4G network and what difficulties it can face from several fronts. There is need to search a definable method to establish a balance between practical application of 4G network and necessary security levels in order to ensure safety of users’ data and resources. Therefore, this research will aim at